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My fourth item only appeared once I moved an item out of my inventory, but otherwise the updates are great so far!


Thank you!! 

Just fixed this earlier today after reading your comment. This bug only happened to appear on the web build and not the executable or Unity editor, so much appreciated! :)


Awesome game. Excited for more levels 


Thank you!! Glad to hear :)


man I MISSED OUT on Bookworm Adventures, out of all the Popcap games... This is a load of fun! I made it a point to go back and get at least one profane word after level 2 lmao. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes! Maybe some board manipulation abilities?


Oh yes, that's on the backlog of things to do!! I'm surprised there's not too much else like Bookworm Adventures already!

Thank you very much, I appreciate it :D


looks good plays good is good


Good fun, thanks.


Very nice art style, very cool!

And the gameplay is pretty unique, too


Glad you think so!! I typically haven't done much of the art for my games so I'm trying to make do with what I can :')


Black Cat Adventures Gameplay

Whoa, thank you so much!!! :0

Love to see it, hope it was fun!


Fun idea! I think having relic choices would take this game the extra mile. A third level would also add a lot as well. One relic idea I've had is an item that gives one free reroll per level. Strong but limited and best if taken with relics that already do more damage [magic seven.]
The controls were clean and responsive. Good luck, I look forward to seeing more


More content is definitely planned for the near future - and with this comes new levels and new treasures! That's an interesting idea for a treasure mechanic - I may play around with it and see what I can do in terms of balance!

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. :)


Played through the new update, very fun! I like each of the new treasures added and the new enemies. I think you're headed in the right direction with this game, looking forward to more!